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英语系学术交流沙龙 第25

主持人: 徐 然




Translation Technology and Translation Careers

in the Brave New LLM world

主讲人:Serge Sharoff


谢尔盖· 沙罗夫(Serge Sharoff)教授现任英国利兹大学语言技术和数字人文学科教授,从事大型语言模型、计算机辅助翻译、字典编纂学及基于语料库的翻译研究等相关课程教学。沙罗夫教授的研究涉及三个领域:语言学、计算机科学和认知科学。沙罗夫教授对语言学的兴趣跨越多个领域,从对比语义学(如何研究在不同语言中以不同方式表示事物的单词)到语料库语言学(如何研究单词在上下文中的实际用法)到计算语言学(如何设计计算模型)用于自然语言理解和生成。自2010以来,沙罗夫教授个人获批关于机器翻译、人工智能、语言技术相关项目总金额已过2百万欧元,个人发表论文、专著140余篇(部),被引4129次。


With the significant improvement in output quality from Machine Translation, Large Language Models, and other AI tools, concerns are growing about the future of translation careers. Some predict the arrival of the Singularity, where machines surpass human capabilities. In my talk, I will examine the development of Language Models over the past hundred years and propose both pragmatic and theory-driven solutions to secure the future of translation careers. The pragmatic solutions focus on the complementarity between LLMs and human translators’ expertise, creating a collaborative space where AI tools and translators work together to overcome language barriers and enhance global communication. The theory-driven solutions delve into the fundamental limitations of LLMs in reflecting human language use, aiming to improve our understanding of how language functions in society. This deeper insight will help identify when LLMs succeed and when they fall short in translation tasks.